Have you read Eckhart Tolle's "New Earth?" I think it would resonate with you, and I highly recommend it. There's also a podcast series that dives into it, with Oprah Winfrey as host.
There's definitely an awakening happening, and just as the Renaissance emerged after the Dark Ages, history teaches us that things can get a little ugly before the light starts to shine. Biblically, Christ tells us to rejoice in times like these, because they're a sign of the truth being close to the surface.
We tend to be unconscious beings, and sometimes we get startling moments of lucidity. We're getting closer to reaching a state of being fully awake. Some will resist—everybody likes to sleep in. And the cognitive dissonance of denying reality will make things painful for a bit.
But we're getting there. It's up to individuals to see to their own awakening.